Dr. Reza Karkia
Board President
Dr. Reza Karkia is the president of American Institute of Higher Education Resources (AIHER). He is Emeritus Executive Director of Academic Affairs at California State University, and has more than 30 years’ experience in education, senior management, and leadership. He is an involved and participating community member of Orange County at large in all areas of education, businesses, and constructive politics. Dr. Karkia has served the State of California under four recent Governors as Commissioner, California Council on Criminal Justice (CCCJ). As a ranking member of CCCJ, he has advised the Governor and legislator of the State of California on policy direction to California’s Office of Homeland Security, Board of Correction, and Office of Emergency Services. Within CCCJ Dr. Karkia has served as Chair, California Drug Treatment Task Force & Chairman of California criminal Justice planning bylaw committee.